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How to Configure Anonymous ShadowSocks or ShadowsocksR Proxy Server with Bitcoin

ShadowSocks or ShadowsocksR are proxy servers used to bypass internet censorship and enhance online privacy. They are part of encryption protocol projects, acting as fast tunnel Socks5 proxies. They are also free and open-source. A complete setup of a proxy server like ShadowSocks, with integration of Bitcoin, adds an extra layer of anonymity, making it harder to trace the actual server from which it operates. In this guide, you will receive step-by-step instructions to set up an anonymous ShadowSocks or ShadowsocksR proxy server using Bitcoin as a payment method.

STEP 1: Select a VPS Provider Supporting Bitcoin

You need to be careful when selecting a VPS provider. Choose a provider that supports cryptocurrency like Bitcoin for enhanced privacy. Wave Layer is a reputable option known for its reliable services and Bitcoin payment support. With Wave Layer, you can get a VPS according to your specific requirements, ensuring you have the necessary resources for setting up your proxy server while maintaining anonymity through Bitcoin transactions.

STEP 2: Create a Linux VPS

You need a Linux VPS, such as Ubuntu 22.04, to set up your own ShadowSocks or ShadowsocksR proxy server. In this guide, we will configure our ShadowSocks or ShadowsocksR proxy server on Ubuntu 22.04.

Login to your Ubuntu 22.04 VPS using either ssh or your preferred method

Update and upgrade the Ubuntu 22.04.

					apt update -y 
					apt upgrade -y 

We have to download either ShadowSocks or ShadowsocksR. For this guide, we will install the Shadowsocks-libev:

					apt install shadowsocks-libev -y

To verify the packages:

					dpkg -l shadowsocks*

Configure ShadowSocks or ShadowsocksR

					vim /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json

Start and enable the ShadowSocks service

					systemctl start shadowsocks-libev 
					systemctl enable shadowsocks-libev 

Verify the status:

					systemctl status shadowsocks-libev 

Allow the port 8388 from Firewall:

					ufw allow 8388

Reloading firewall:

					ufw reload

Ensure port is opened from firewall:

					ufw status

Verify the server is listen on port 8388:

					ss -tulnp |grep 8388

That’s it! You have successfully set up ShadowSocks on your Ubuntu 22.04 VPS.


In conclusion, configuring an anonymous ShadowSocks or ShadowsocksR proxy server is a pivotal step towards fortifying online privacy and circumventing internet restrictions. This methodical setup procedure, thoroughly described in our guide, enables users to create a strong proxy infrastructure. It begins with choosing a Bitcoin-compatible VPS provider such as Wave Layer and ends with installing and configuring ShadowSocks-libev with ease.

The integration of Bitcoin as a payment method adds an additional layer of anonymity to the setup, ensuring secure and confidential transactions. However, it’s also necessary to patch the server with the latest security updates and only open necessary ports in the firewall.

By carefully following these procedures, users can build a robust proxy environment that protects their online activity, giving them the confidence and peace of mind to explore the digital world. Ultimately, setting up an anonymous ShadowSocks or ShadowsocksR proxy server on Ubuntu 22.04 is a proactive step toward reclaiming authority over one’s online identity and promoting a secure and private online environment.

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